Studium to Studio
Welcome to Studium to Studio with your local Lay Dominicans, based at Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center on the University of Louisiana at Lafayette campus! We’ll be discussing some of the gems we’ve discovered in our Studium, where we share the fruits of our contemplation and the joy of the Gospel message! Episodes originally air on Christ Our King Catholic Radio for Acadiana 90.5 FM KLFT!
91 episodes
EP 98 Patron Saints
Cohosts: Ms. Lynn Buquoi, O.P., Mr. Kevin Fontenot (Inquirer), and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss the wonderful friendships one can discover in our triumphant brothers and sisters in Heaven!

EP 97 Blessed Pier Giorio Frassati
Ms. Becky See, O.P., Dr. Ryan Buller, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss this soon-to-be Saint who teaches us how exciting it is to embrace life when it is ordered to its end - eternity with God!
Season 1
Episode 97

EP 96 The Holy Shroud
Cohosts: Mr. Ted Broussard, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss the exciting scientific proof that is mounting evidence of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin...evidence that has no other possible explanation ot...
Season 1
Episode 96

EP 95 Distributism
Cohosts: Mr. Matthew Mayer, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss Distributism from many angles, offer edifying information and a fresh perspective on this economic and political theory.
Season 1
Episode 95

EP 94 The Intellectual Life
Cohosts: Dr. Michael Totaro, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss that part of humans that elevates us from mere creatures to those created in the image and likeness of God! How do we exercise this precious gift of i...
Season 1
Episode 94

EP 93 Accountability - It's Ups and Downs
Cohosts: Dr. Ryan Buller, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss the benefits to accountability and, perhaps more surprisingly - the potential pitfalls that may occur.
Season 1
Episode 93

The Significance of Numbers in Scripture
Cohosts: Ms. Becky See, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss the significance of certain numbers in the Bible as well as some possible "hidden meanings" behind the letters they spell out in the original Hebrew text.&...
Season 1
Episode 92

Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange and His Works
Cohosts: Dr. Michael Totaro, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss the life and some of the works of this amazing French, Dominican philosopher and renowned theologian. One of his students at the Angelicum in Rome, St. Pope John Paul ...
Season 1
Episode 91

EP 90 The Baptism of Our Lord
Cohosts: Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. bring out some interesting background information about the Baptism of Our Lord and what it means for us, as Christians, to be given this Sacrament of Baptism.
Season 1
Episode 90

Creche to the Cross
Cohosts: Mr. Matthew Mayer, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss the importance of the Holy Cross - from it's symbolism to the depth of its centrality of purpose and meaning. Even as we continue to rejoice in t...
Season 1
Episode 89

EP 88 Joyful Mysteries
Cohosts: Dr. Ryan Buller, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. share reflections on the Joyful Mysteries of the most Holy Rosary that will serve as a great aid to meditation on these events. It will also give a big pic...
Season 1
Episode 88

EP 87 Advent Revelation
Cohosts: Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss preparing for the Advent season and the wisdom of Holy Mother Church "stirs up" our focus on the upcoming penitential season with readings from the book of Revelation.
Season 1
Episode 87

EP 86 Addressing 10 Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cohosts: Ms. Jessica Sanders, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss some of the virtues of Our Lady because we, as Catholics, should strive to imitate them. St. Louis de Montefort presents 10 of her virtues in h...
Season 1
Episode 86

EP 85 Blessed Carlo Acutis
Cohosts: Ms. Becky See, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss the life of this amazing blessed, Carlo Acutis, who is set to be elevated to the status of a saint in the Jubilee of 2025! They share the exciting st...

EP 84 Aristotle's 4 Causes
Cohosts: Dr. Michael Totaro, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss the foundational philosphical principals of Aristotle's Four Causes and discuss why they matter and how they can help us to explain our purpose in lif...
Season 1
Episode 84

EP 83 Found: A Better Examination of Conscience
Dr. Ryan Buller, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. share their struggles and triumphs in approaching the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They also share a couple of very useful examines to aid in reviewing all that a s...
Season 1
Episode 83

EP 82 No Pain No Gain
Cohosts: Mr. Wesley Stonicher (Canidate in the Order of Preachers), Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. discuss how growth in the spiritual life requires sacrifice and yes, even suffering. Why and what does that look like?&...
Season 1
Episode 82

EP 81 Dr. Joaquin Wong, O.P. - A Dominican Journey
Cohosts: Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. & Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. interview Dr. Jaoquin Wong, O.P. who is a fellow Lay Dominican and a medical doctor who was born and raised in Panama (his mother's home) and whose father was from China. You w...
Season 1
Episode 81

EP 80 Salvation Outside the Church?
Cohosts: Dr. Ryan Buller, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. take a previous episode on the constitutions of Vatican II and "tease out" the specific topic on Salvation in relation to the Catholic Church. Was this a c...
Season 1
Episode 80

EP 79 Literature and Spiritual Formation
Cohosts: Dr. Charles Richard, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P. and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss the recent Letter from the Holy Father on the importance of liturature in the formation of souls.
Season 1
Episode 79

EP 78 Obedience
Cohosts: Ms. Jessica Sanders, O.P., Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P., and Mrs. Cheryl Drozda discuss the "Grandeur of Obedience" - a virtue that is viewed as shackles to some but, in reality, it is true freedom!
Season 1
Episode 78

EP 77 Sacrocanctum Concilium
Cohosts: Dr. Michael Totaro, O.P., Mrs. Cheryl Drozda, O.P., and Mr. Jeff Drozda, O.P. discuss "The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy" (aka "Sacrosanctum Concilium") - the first of the four major documents generated by the fathers of the...
Season 1
Episode 77